新闻, 经济分析 及洞察


探索科法斯全面的风险仪表板,为 162 个国家和 13 个产业部门提供深入的风险评估,以做出策略决策




  • #解决方案

    Data & Technology: from Big Data to Smart Data and unique credit insights

    Because nowadays companies' needs go beyond simply accessing large sources of data in real time, Coface collects, cross-checks and analyses massive volumes of data (Big Data). Enhanced each day by the analyses of 700 risk management experts, this exclusive data generates unique insights for Coface's clients and partners. Or how to turn commercial risk into an opportunity for growth!

  • #解决方案

    Schneider Electric + Coface: a partnership that grows with time

    Schneider Electric (SE), ‘the most local of global companies’, and Coface, a multinational on a human scale, have been working together for several decades. As a client of Coface Global Solutions, SE benefits from a worldwide programme and dedicated teams to secure its business. SE also uses Single Frame solutions to support the development of its datacenter projects. With one credo: to manage commercial risk in a more predictive way.


  • #经济报告

    Country and Sector Risks Barometer: Turbulence ahead?

    The year 2024 got off to a better start than the previous two years, which were marked by the final upsets of the pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and a banking crisis in the United States. However, the first quarter of 2024 has seen a slowdown in US activity, with emerging countries acting as a relay for the global economy. Throughout the world, economic, social and political risks remain, such as the dissolution of the French National Assembly, a possible turning point for the country and Europe. In this context, Coface has modified its assessments for 5 countries (4 upgrades and 1 downgrade) and 26 sectors (20 upgrades and 6 downgrades), reflecting a favorable outlook in the short term only.

  • #经济报告

    Cocoa: a deceptive fall in prices?

    After reaching an all-time high in April (USD 10,000/ton), a far cry from the highs of 2009 and 2011 (USD 3,700/t), cocoa prices fell back to USD 7,000/t once the Easter celebrations were over. However, they remain three times higher than a year ago, and are set to stay there. The rise in cocoa bean prices, which can be partly explained by a frenzy of speculation on the markets, also reflects a shortage of supply, which is problematic in the medium term.

  • #经济报告




    • #解决方案
    • #专家建议



  • #专家建议



  • Group working on same computer



    “贸易信用保险太贵了,不符合我的需求。”“管理信用风险会阻碍业务发展,而且我有财务储备,完全可以应付欠款!” 您是否有过上面的想法?关于贸易信用保险存在种种刻板印象,如今随着理赔速度越来越快,坏账风险与日俱增,或许我们需要转变思维。

  • 商业风险仪表盘

    通过科法斯针对 160 多个国家和 13 个产业的全球风险评估来应对不确定性。