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EasyLiner: 简化了中小企业信用保险,保护其免受国内外未付发票的影响。 了解更多关于我们的服务,确保为您的客户提供高效的信用管理。
EasyLiner credit insurance tailored for very small businesses: exclusively for companies with a turnover under HKD65 million.
Are you the director or financial manager of a very small business whose daily life is hectic? Simplify your life with EasyLiner:
With EasyLiner, maintain budget control and safeguard your business - without any unexpected setbacks!
Effortlessly oversee your commercial growth.
Leverage our credit insights and real-time monitoring of client and prospect solvency. EasyLiner enhances your competitive edge by refining credit conditions for your customers.
Seeking new markets? EasyLiner safeguards your turnover as you explore domestic and international business opportunities.
For Trade Credit Insurance - Hotline Number Available +852 2585 9133
Guarantee your invoices with EasyLiner and boost your trustworthiness with your financial partners.
Think about it: opting for a SME credit insurance policy that improves your terms for borrowing and helps you access overdraft facilities.
With EasyLiner you can set up a delegation of guarantee free of charge and transfer payment of the indemnities of your policy directly to your bank or factor.
Effortlessly handle your policy through our online platform:
• Solvency Monitoring:
Track your clients' solvency and receive expert opinions and guarantees online. If their situation worsens, our Coface team will reach out to you.
• Online Claims:
Facing unpaid debts? Report your claim online, and we initiate the collection process promptly, whether locally or globally.
• Indemnification:
If collection efforts prove unsuccessful within the agreed timeframe, we provide compensatory indemnity.
Need assistance? Our Customer Relations Department experts are available to support you in managing your policy day-to-day.
With EasyLiner SME credit insurance for small businesses, steer clear of late payments and unpaid debts. Protect your accounts receivables. Focus on business growth.
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