From Excessive Pessimism To Excessive Optimism
Global Economy Is Exposed To Recessionary Downside Risks
The 2023 Coface Country Risk Conference was successfully organized on 18 May at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum. The conference was also livestream broadcasted in 14 markets in the Asia Pacific. During the conference, we discussed the downside risks of the global economy, the economic development of China’s reopening after COVID and the impact of geo-political risks on business operations.
Hugh Burke, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific, COFACE
- Highlighted the rising credit risks and the challenging impact from Asia Pacific and global perspectives.
- Watch Replay
Jean-Christophe Caffet, Group Chief Economist, COFACE
- focused on the global economic outlook;
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Bernard Aw, Chief Economist, Asia Pacific, COFACE
- focused on China’s reopening after COVID and some long-term challenges;
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Julia Coym, Director, CONTROL RISKS
- focused on managing geopolitical risks;
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Peter Solomon, Chief Commercial Officer, Asia Pacific, COFACE
- Moderated by: Peter Solomon, Chief Commercial Officer, Asia Pacific, COFACE
- Jean-Christophe Caffet, Group Chief Economist, COFACE
- Bernard Aw, Chief Economist, Asia Pacific, COFACE
- Julia Coym, Director, CONTROL RISK
- Watch Replay
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