字母 A
- Absolute sale | 無條件銷售
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- Acceleration of payment | 加速還款
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- Aged debtors report | 逾期帳款報告
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- Annual total excess | 年度總自負額
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- Arranged approval threshold | 約定的信用額度核准門檻
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- Assignment of receivable | 應收帳款轉讓
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字母 B
- Beneficiary/Beneficiary of indemnity rights transfer | 受益人/賠償權利轉讓受益人
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- Breach (condition of) | 違約狀態
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- Buyer | 買家
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字母 C
- Cash against documents | 交單付現(CAD)
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- Cause of loss | 損失原因
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- Claim waiting period | 理賠等待期
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- Claim | 理賠
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- Collection agency | 催收機構
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- Collection | 催收
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- Commercial risk | 商業風險
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- Consignment | 寄售
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- Consultation threshold | 諮詢門檻
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- Contract of sale | 銷售合約
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- Credit Agreement or Line | 信用協議或額度
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- Credit Insurance | 信用保險
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- Credit period | 信用期限
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- Customer credit facility | 客戶信用額度
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字母 D
- DCL (Discretionary Credit Limit) | 自主信用額度 (DCL)
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- De facto insolvency | 事實上破產
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- De jure insolvency | 法律上破產
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- Debtor | 債務人
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- Declaration of potential loss | 潛在損失申報
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- Default (outright) | 拖欠(故意)
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- Deglobalisation | 變更為非跨國保單
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- Delivery | 交貨
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- Dispute | 商業糾紛
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- DSO (Days Sales Outstanding | DSO(應收帳款週轉天數)
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- Due date | 到期日
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字母 E
字母 F
字母 G
字母 I
- Indemnifiable loss | 應賠償損失
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- Indemnification | 賠償
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- Insolvency |破產
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- Insurable turnover | 承保營業額
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- International trade | 國際貿易
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- Intervention request | 介入請求
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字母 L
字母 M
字母 N
字母 O
- Orders to be delivered | 待交付訂單
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- Ordinary individual excess | 普通單次自負額
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- Outstanding amount | 未付帳款
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字母 P
- Percentage of cover | 承保比例
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- Policy | 保單
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- Political risk | 政治風險
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- Prelitigation | 訴訟前措施
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- Private Buyer | 民營買家
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- Protocol | 協定
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- Public Buyer | 公營買方
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字母 R
字母 S
- Sale intermediary (intermediary in the commercial relationship) | 銷售中介(商業關係中的中介)
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- Security | 擔保
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- Statement of loss | 損益表
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- Subrogation | 代位求償權
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字母 T
字母 U
- 商業資訊
- Customer Portal - Cofanet
客戶門戶網站 - CofaNet
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API 入口網站
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